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Florida Law Quick Answers

This article is a Quick Answer Page on Florida Criminal Defense on UNINFORMED HIV INFECTED SEXUAL INTERCOURSE, provided by Andrew Douglas, P.A.

What is the charge or crime of UNINFORMED HIV INFECTED SEXUAL INTERCOURSE in Florida?

How does the State Attorney/Government/ Prosecution/Police prove the crime of UNINFORMED HIV INFECTED SEXUAL INTERCOURSE in Florida?

What are the elements for the crime of UNINFORMED HIV INFECTED SEXUAL INTERCOURSE in Florida?

To convict of UNINFORMED HIV INFECTED SEXUAL INTERCOURSE in Florida the Prosecution must demontrate that one unlawfully did have sexual intercourse with *(VICTIM), another person, knowing that *(DEFENDANT) is infected with the human immunodeficiency virus infection, and having been informed that he/she may communicate this disease to another person through sexual intercourse without informing *(VICTIM) of the presence of the sexually transmissible disease and obtaining *(VICTIM)’s informed consent to the sexual intercourse, contrary to Florida Statute 384.24(2). (3 DEG FEL) (LEVEL 1)

Andrew Douglas, P.A. is a commercial litigation and construction litigation law firm, handling all business and personal claims. Andrew Douglas is a construction attorney, commercial attorney, and criminal attorney admitted to practice law in the State of Florida, and handling Florida Law Cases. If you have a questions regarding the criminal charge of UNINFORMED HIV INFECTED SEXUAL INTERCOURSE or any other legal matter in Florida please call Andrew Douglas, P.A. for a free consultation.

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