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Andrew Douglas, P.A. Construction Attorney Representing Contractors

Andrew Douglas, P. A. is a South Florida Construction Attorney, our Construction attorneys handle all construction claims and construction disputes. We handle claims for all Florida Construction Contractors, including Contractor.

A Contractor is defined under Florida Law as:

“Contractor” means the person who is qualified for, and is only responsible for, the project contracted for and means, except as exempted in this part, the person who, for compensation, undertakes to, submits a bid to, or does himself or herself or by others construct, repair, alter, remodel, add to, demolish, subtract from, or improve any building or structure, including related improvements to real estate, for others or for resale to others; and whose job scope is substantially similar to the job scope described in one of the subsequent paragraphs of this subsection. For the purposes of regulation under this part, “demolish” applies only to demolition of steel tanks over 50 feet in height; towers over 50 feet in height; other structures over 50 feet in height, other than buildings or residences over three stories tall; and buildings or residences over three stories tall. Contractors are subdivided into two divisions, Division I, consisting of those contractors defined in paragraphs (a)-(c), and Division II, consisting of those contractors defined in paragraphs (d)-(r):

(a) “General contractor” means a contractor whose services are unlimited as to the type of work which he or she may do, who may contract for any activity requiring licensure under this part, and who may perform any work requiring licensure under this part, except as otherwise expressly provided in s. 489.113.
(b) “Building contractor” means a contractor whose services are limited to construction of commercial buildings and single-dwelling or multiple-dwelling residential buildings, which do not exceed three stories in height, and accessory use structures in connection therewith or a contractor whose services are limited to remodeling, repair, or improvement of any size building if the services do not affect the structural members of the building.
(c) “Residential contractor” means a contractor whose services are limited to construction, remodeling, repair, or improvement of one-family, two-family, or three-family residences not exceeding two habitable stories above no more than one uninhabitable story and accessory use structures in connection therewith.

A Contractor has a unique business model that shares similarities to other construction trades, but also has its differences. Our construction attorneys at Andrew Douglas, P.A. understand these differences and have knowledge and experience handling the claims that affect the Contractor. We can provide you guidance tailored to your construction law needs and situation.

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