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Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices ACT (FDUTPA), Fla. Stat. Ch. 501, – Punitve or Consequential Damages Not Recoverable

What type of damanges are recoverable under FDUTPA? Answer: Actual Damages, Florida Statute states specifcally which remedies are available under a FDUTPA claim stating, 501.211 Other individual remedies.— … (2) In any action brought by a person who has suffered a loss as a result of a violation of this part, such person may recover actual damages, … Read more

Florida’s Civil Theft Statute – A powerful addition to a claim for theft/conversion.

Florida’s Civil Theft Statute is a powerful tool to recover  damages for theft and theft related civil actions which enables the Plaintiffs to seek attorney’s fees and treble (triple) damages.  However, there are some nuances in Florida Law which should be reviewed before filing an action for Civil Theft. First, the economic loss doctrine is generally a … Read more

Federal Civil RICO Violations- Open and Closed Ended Continuity

The Federal Civil RICO statute is a very powerful tool that can provide a litigant Federal Question Jurisdiction and the ability to recover treble damages and attorneys’ fees when otherwise unavailable. However, a major hurdle to successfully pleading and prosecuting a civil RICO claim is making sure that the facts support a showing of the … Read more