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Contract Reformation in Florida – Statute of Limitations

In Florida, a party to a contract may seek to invoke the equitable jurisdiction of the Court to enforce a contract that does not accurately reflect the agreement made by the parties.  If the Contract does not accurately reflect the agreement between the parties, a party can ask the Court to reform the contract to accurately reflect the true intentions … Read more

Foreclosing Construction Lien on Condominium for Common Area Work

Condominium Lien

Florida Lien Law, Fla. Stat. ch. 713 with Fla. Stat 718.121(2), provides that a construction lien based on labor performed on or materials furnished to common elements, when such contract work was authorized by the association, constitutes a lien against all condominium parcels. However, there are some particularities when enforcing such liens.  Contrary to popular … Read more

Oral Loans: When does the Statute of Limitations Begin to Run?

Statute of Limitations Florida Law

Loan money a long time ago and never get paid back? Never ask for the money back? If you answered yes to both questions, you may still have a case. When does the limitations period begins to run on an oral loan that either does not contain repayment terms or is payable on demand? Section 95.11(3)(k), Florida … Read more

Oral Modifications to Construction Contracts, Florida Construction Law

Oral Modifications to Construction Contracts, Florida Construction Law Many written contracts between contractors and owners contain provisions to the effect of “all modifications to this contract must be made in writing.” And when litigation invariably arises from  non-payment for modifications that are performed without  being reduced to a written change order, or other writing, a … Read more

Significant Issues Test Applicable to Determine Attorney Fee Entitlement in Lien Foreclosure Actions

Significant Issues Test Applicable to Determine Attorney’s Fees Entitlement Under 713.29, Florida Statute for Lien Foreclosure Actions FRANK J. TRYTEK, et al., Petitioners, vs. GALE INDUSTRIES, INC., etc., Respondent. No. SC07-1641 SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA 3 So. 3d 1194; 2009 Fla. LEXIS 257; 34 Fla. L. Weekly S 247 ” Trial courts are required to … Read more

Florida’s Homestead Exemption and its Benefits. Everything a Floridian Needs to Know.

This is a quick guide as to the meaning and benefits of the Florida Homestead Exemption. While many states have some sort of Homestead benefits, Florida’s Homestead laws provide the Country’s most generous set of benefits to its homeowners. The term Homestead exemption in Florida may refer to four different types of homestead exemptions/benefits  under Florida law: … Read more