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Clerk’s Default, Court Default, Final Default Judgment – Vacating Defaults in Florida State and Federal Courts.

Default Basics.  A default occurs in litigation when a party fails either to respond to a lawsuit, and less often can be entered against a party who fails to comply with a court order. In Florida, a party in most cases has 20 days to answer a lawsuit. If that party fails to file any … Read more

Four Bases for Attorney’s Fees Entitlement in Florida

In Florida there are generally 4 bases to obtain attorney’s fees as damages in a lawsuit. The general rule also known as the “American Rule” is that each party bears its attorneys fees in litigation, it is the default rule in Florida. However, here are the exceptions to that rule. 1. Statutory Basis for Attorney … Read more

Florida’s Homestead Exemption and its Benefits. Everything a Floridian Needs to Know.

This is a quick guide as to the meaning and benefits of the Florida Homestead Exemption. While many states have some sort of Homestead benefits, Florida’s Homestead laws provide the Country’s most generous set of benefits to its homeowners. The term Homestead exemption in Florida may refer to four different types of homestead exemptions/benefits  under Florida law: … Read more

Florida Power of Attorney

Clients are always asking me questions about power of attorney documents. Therefore, I created this post with valuable information form Florida Statute and the Florida Bar. I am starting off with a copy of my General Power of Attorney Form which covers everything (a kitchen sink Power of Attorney). This General Power of Attorney is … Read more

Pay-when-Paid Provisions in Construction Contracting

In construction contracting subcontractors need to be aware of “pay-when-paid”(pay-if-paid) clauses in their contracts with general contractors. The purpose of these provisions is to make payment by the general contractor (GC) to the subcontractor (sub) conditioned upon the GC receiving payment from the owner. Simply put, the GC wants to pay its sub for completed … Read more

Transfer your Residence to a Life Estate Under Florida Law- Keep Homestead and Your “Save Our Homes” Valuation

I want to transfer my residence to my child/children keeping a life estate for myself so that my property avoids probate, will I lose my homestead exemption or my “Save Our Home” valuation? NO , to both. Here is why: A transfer from full ownership (fee simple) to a life estate where the grantor keeps … Read more