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Navigating Contractual Force Majeure and Common Law Defenses in Times of Crisis

In the wake of global disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses and legal professionals are closely examining the interplay between contractual force majeure clauses and common law defenses such as impossibility and frustration of purpose. Understanding how these legal concepts interact is crucial for managing contracts during unforeseen events. Understanding Force Majeure Clauses Force majeure … Read more

Foreclosing Construction Lien on Condominium for Common Area Work

Condominium Lien

Florida Lien Law, Fla. Stat. ch. 713 with Fla. Stat 718.121(2), provides that a construction lien based on labor performed on or materials furnished to common elements, when such contract work was authorized by the association, constitutes a lien against all condominium parcels. However, there are some particularities when enforcing such liens.  Contrary to popular … Read more

Temporary Injunctions Based on Trade Secret Violations

Trade Secret Florida Law

According to F.S. §688.002(4), the phrase “trade secret” means information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process that: a) Derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure … Read more

Clerk’s Default, Court Default, Final Default Judgment – Vacating Defaults in Florida State and Federal Courts.

Default Basics.  A default occurs in litigation when a party fails either to respond to a lawsuit, and less often can be entered against a party who fails to comply with a court order. In Florida, a party in most cases has 20 days to answer a lawsuit. If that party fails to file any … Read more

Federal Civil RICO Violations- Open and Closed Ended Continuity

The Federal Civil RICO statute is a very powerful tool that can provide a litigant Federal Question Jurisdiction and the ability to recover treble damages and attorneys’ fees when otherwise unavailable. However, a major hurdle to successfully pleading and prosecuting a civil RICO claim is making sure that the facts support a showing of the … Read more