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Attorney Andrew Douglas Sworn in as Broward County Traffic Hearing Officer

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA – (December 28, 2018)  Andrew Douglas, P.A., proudly announces that on December 5, 2018 its principal attorney Andrew Douglas was sworn in as a Traffic Hearing Officer for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida. In addition to his litigation practice, Attorney Douglas will adjudicate traffic infraction matters at … Read more

Residential Evictions in Florida: Step 1 – The 3-Day Notice

What is the 3-day Notice?  It is formally titled the NOTICE FROM LANDLORD TO TENANT–TERMINATION FOR FAILURE TO PAY RENT, but pursuant to statute it provides 3 (three) days for the tenant to pay the rent owed. Accordingly, it is commonly referred to as the 3(THREE) DAY NOTICE. The 3-day notice shall contain a statement … Read more

Arrested for Unlicensed Contracting, We can help.

Arrested for Unlicensed Contracting Unlicensed Contracting Broward County and Dade County have been setting up stings and actively pursuing unlicensed contractors. If you have been arrested for the crime of unlicensed contracting, we can help. Andrew Douglas is a construction litigation attorney and former prosecutor, and can help you to achieve the best possible result … Read more

Separating Motive from Intent and Proving a Civil Theft Claim

A Discussion on Florida Civil Theft: Does Motive Matter, or Does Intent Only Matter? Motive is legally defined as motive n. in criminal investigation the probable reason a person committed a crime, such as jealousy, greed, revenge or part of a theft. While evidence of a motive may be admissible at trial, proof of motive … Read more

The Casey Anthony Jury Is Out and They May Find Her Guilty.

It’s the Fourth of July 2011, and the Casey Anthony Jury is out. I have been following this matter only superficially, and asking others their opinions on the case. Here is my quick “two-sense” (sic.) I am not going to tell you what I think the jury should do (Okay, maybe I am… a little), … Read more

Four Bases for Attorney’s Fees Entitlement in Florida

In Florida there are generally 4 bases to obtain attorney’s fees as damages in a lawsuit. The general rule also known as the “American Rule” is that each party bears its attorneys fees in litigation, it is the default rule in Florida. However, here are the exceptions to that rule. 1. Statutory Basis for Attorney … Read more

DUI Law Summary

DUI (Driving Under the Influence of Alcoholic Beverages, Chemical Substances or Controlled Substances). s. 316.193, F.S. Under Florida law, DUI is one offense, proved by impairment of normal faculties or unlawful blood alcohol or breath alcohol level of .08 or above. The penalties upon conviction are the same, regardless of the manner in which the … Read more

Florida’s Homestead Exemption and its Benefits. Everything a Floridian Needs to Know.

This is a quick guide as to the meaning and benefits of the Florida Homestead Exemption. While many states have some sort of Homestead benefits, Florida’s Homestead laws provide the Country’s most generous set of benefits to its homeowners. The term Homestead exemption in Florida may refer to four different types of homestead exemptions/benefits  under Florida law: … Read more

Florida Lottery – Statutory Permission to Advertise Falsely.

Ever wonder how the lottery can advertise a jackpot of $100 million, and that means that the winner receives a lumpsum payment of only approximately $40 million, or receive 3.33 million each year for 30 years. The fact is that the Florida Legislature explicitly permits the lottery to advertise the jackpot as the sum of … Read more