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Temporary Injunctions Based on Trade Secret Violations

Trade Secret Florida Law

According to F.S. §688.002(4), the phrase “trade secret” means information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process that: a) Derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure … Read more

Civil Rights Violated, Falsely Arrested, Need to Sue Police/Government?

Andrew Douglas, P.A. can help you recover and find justice if your civil rights have been violated. In evaluating civil rights violation cases we look at the following factors to determine the likelihood of success: 1.  Does your case come from an interaction with a government official, police officer, or other government employee? 2. If … Read more

DUI- Should you take a breathalyzer test ?

A common question I encounter at social gatherings is whether one should submit to a breath test or refuse? Or, more generally, what do I do if I get pulled over and I have been drinking? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. Now I am not writing this article to delve into … Read more

Local Preference in Florida Public Procurement

Generally, public works construction projects must be procured by  competitive bidding. Fla. Stat. 255.20(1).  However, the requirement for competitive bidding in Fla. Stat. 255.20 does not prohibit application of any small-business or disadvantaged-business enterprise program or any local-preference ordinance.Fla Stat. 255.20(i). Local Preference ordinances are used by governmental entities to help local businesses obtain public work, … Read more

Bid Protests – Public Procurement

A bid protest is a tool available to bidders on public projects who feel that they have been aggrieved by the bid process. However, to properly bring a bid protest you need to have standing. Generally, only the second lowest bidder has standing to challenge the award to the lowest bidder. There are some exceptions … Read more